Connecting winMX to other networks WinMX will connect to other Open Nap servers, and heres how to do it. Go to your networks tab, Click OpenNap Protocol Networks, click find .WSX, this will then take you to the search screen, and will find a whole bunch of .WSX files for you, downlaod a few, when thats complete, go back to the networks tab, and click Import .WSX CD to your shared directory and there they are, click on one and WinMX will load it for you, then all you have to do is to select which networks you want to connect to. RED= Connection refused or timed out ( click server messages to find out why they didnt let you in) ORANGE= searching and trying to connect GREEN= Connected to that network. When you have connected to other netwroks on your search screen you will now have a search all available networks option, and on your chat screen you can also join chat on other networks BH-Demon